
Many of us know the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was a man of great strength and also of lavish indulgence. He was feared by many, because of his gift of strength. Samson met Delilah after his wife was killed. Remember being strong in body, do not necessarily mean you are not broken emotionally, especially after a loss.

Samson goes on to meet DelilahDelilah was placed in his life while Samson was on the high from avenging his wife and indulging in women and drink to heal his pain. Delilah must have meant a great deal to Samson, as he felt comfortable enough to share his secrets. However, he did not know that Delilah was being paid to find out how Samson keeps his strength. If Delilah was a better person, she would not have betrayed Samson.

At some time in your life, you will meet a Delilah or come across many Delilahs. These are the people who steal your thunder by putting you down, insulting you constantly, and dropping negative comments whenever they can. The worst part is, they come in the form of relationships like family, partners and friends. You may also be a Delilah.

Delilahs come to steal joy and destroy the spirit. The Lord says to love one another as you love yourself. The problem with this commandment, many people do not love themselves. You will always know a good person by the type of fruit they produce, the words they share and by their actions. Delilahs have low self esteem, hide under the guise of beauty and believe they are hurting you for your own good.

It takes great strength and courage to constantly keep yourself afloat in life. Not many people believe in healing themselves or asking God to help restore their bodies and mind. If you do, you know how delicate the human spirit can be. Once you learn this, you do not go around hurting or criticizing others. You help and encourage them instead. 
God I ask that you guard my heart and thoughts that they will be pleasing to you. I also ask for your guidance whenever I feel lost, broken and hurt that I may find the courage to heal without damaging myself and others.