Eve’s Temptation

There are times in our lives where we cannot resist the temptation of indulging in something that we know is wrong. Why do we want it when we know the outcome will be bad for us? At times we wished it was as simple as having that extra slice of cake, then at least we could work out and lose the calories. However, this is about the dirty sins of the world that we have indulged in. The sin that FEELS SO GOOD….at the time. These are the dirty sins like:

gossip – pre-marital sex – lustful thoughts – wishing others misfortune – lies

Why do we do it? Why did we tell someone’s business to another person? We justify it as the news was too juicy to keep to ourselves. What about when we jump in bed with a man that was never going to marry us, but we have needs and sex is pleasurable.

Why do we wish bad things to happen to people who have wronged us and try to seek revenge? Yes, we can forgive, but forgetting is another story and we want them to pay because God is not moving fast enough to right these wrongs.

Why do we lie to get out of uncomfortable situations, especially when we are at fault do not want to admit that we are wrong?

Eve was the first woman mentioned in the Bible. She was the first to indulge in the temptation of SIN. Also, the first to get another gullible person, her husband Adam, to sin. To top it all off she was behind the whole scenario known today as the “fall of man”.

Sin is not without burden as God cursed Eve and womankind to a life of sorrow, pain in childbirth and to be kept under the power of her husband. However, God also blessed her with many children. Eve is looked upon as the mother of all children. God did not forsake Eve or decided that she deserved a lifetime of punishment for her sin. He blessed her even though she sinned. God blesses us too when we sin and it is up to us to release that burden of sin from our conscience and make our souls right with God.


God, I know that I am far from perfect. My list of sins goes on forever! You are the most merciful God and no matter what sin I committed, I pray that you will forgive me. Please use me for my good and allow me to be a blessing to others. Forgive me of all my sins and as I forgive others that sinned against me. Help me to examine my heart of all my wrongdoing so that I can seek forgiveness. 
