Abigail’s Abuse

There are so many women like yourself that we can describe as strong, beautiful and intelligent. Regardless of these great qualities, women end up in horrible situations because persons in our lives try to break us.

When we think about Abigail, no words would be any truer. She was married to a drunk who was cruel and mean. Her husband Nabal would beat and mistreat her, but she never allowed his distasteful ways to change her as a person. Abigail continued to be kind to others, even when Nabal decided against it. She continued to be faithful to him to honour her marriage vows.

There are other women out there who are in similar situations. It could be a young woman who is being abused by her parents. It could be your neighbour who is being abused by her husband. It could be a woman being mistreated by her partner who makes her feel like she is not good enough. It could be your work colleague who continues to be less favoured by the boss no matter how hard she tries. Are they still strong, beautiful and intelligent? Or has the abuse taken a toll on them to the point their reflection is broken, ugly and stupid?

What have you done in your life when you met an Abigail? Did you listen to her weep and dry her tears? Did you pass her by because you have your own problems to deal with? Did you encourage her to let her know that the grace of God will free her from this situation and that she is strong, beautiful and intelligent?

You too may be an Abigail and going through an abusive situation or relationship. You are strong, beautiful and intelligent.

Repeat these words to yourself “I am strong, beautiful and intelligent. God will deliver me from this broken home, broken life and from my abuser. I am a child of God, and this is not the life he planned for me. I have the strength of Abigail and will stand up against the wrong my abuser does to me and to others. I will continue to love and have compassion for others, regardless of my circumstances because I refuse to be broken. I will sing to the mountain tops how good God is. I am strong, beautiful and intelligent.


God thank you for making me a woman. I am happy to be a part of the blessed women in the Bible. I am your Abigail because you made me in your image to be strong, beautiful and intelligent. Help me to have compassion for the people I know that are going through a hard time. Help me to be a blessing to them. Help me to encourage them, and that they can heal at their broken places because they are strong. Help me to remind them that they are beautiful. Help me to show them that they are intelligent and kind. God let me show them that they are loved and by your grace and mercy, they are delivered from this dark and broken place.
